Cozumel Life Magazine 96' contains over 40 pages of photographs, text, maps, hotels, restaurants, diving and snorkeling, private boat (fishing & diving) charters, self-guided island tour, island phone book, private villa rentals, night life, taxi and car rentals, arrival and departure info., and much much more. This is a must for the first-time visitor. Written by an 18 time visitor, this information is current and will answer all you questions. The Magazine file, unzipcoz.exe, is located in the "Travel Software" section of this library. For Windows only. This file will automatically unzip itself. To use file: download unzipcoz.exe from the "Travel Software" library. Click on unzipcoz.exe to unzip file. Then press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard to reveal cozmag96.exe. Click on it to open magazine. Requires a mouse to move from page to page. Enjoy, DWaskie